Death Valley National Park, California


Death Valley National Park, California

May 26, 2023

Steps: 14,516

On our way to Vegas we wanted to take some time in Death Valley. Overall, we probably only spent around 3-4 hours driving through. It worked out well that all of the attractions we were hoping to see were close to the main road we took through the park. Pictured above is the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes. This was our first stop in Death Valley.

I accidentally blew right past both park signs, but luckily Kaylee was quick and got a photo of one!

The typical picture of standing in the middle of an open road in Death Valley was a lot easier than I thought it would be. There were very few cars traveling on the main road that we drove on. We had passed someone about 20 minutes prior to this picture being taken and they had just caught up by the time we sped ahead of them again. (Not my best move, but it beat having to pass them again) 

Luckily we did not have to hike far in the sand dunes to get a beautiful view. The temperature was already around the mid 80's with a very intense sun. We did try to take our shoes off and go barefoot, but determined the pain from the heat was not worth saving a little sand in our shoes. It was some of the softest sand though!

Our biggest detour was to Badwater Basin. This is the lowest point in the United States at 282 feet below sea level. We were surprised that this was also located within a 2 hour drive from the tallest point in the lower 48 states. (Mt. Whitney) 

About halfway up the first rock wall pictured above is a sign that showed us where sea level was. 

Our detour to Badwater Basin also consisted of many different stops along the way. Pictured above is Artist's Palette. This multicolored hillside was one of many along a windy road that we chose to check out.

The color difference of the base was amazing. The black hills contrasting with the white flats was something that our pictures did not do justice. 

Our final stop in Death Valley was Zabriskie Point. The jagged landscape was very pretty!
