Olympic National Park, Washington

 Olympic National Park, Washington

July 4-7, 2022

Steps: 40,268 (3 Days)

We started off our first day in the park at Hoh Rainforest. It is one of the largest temperate rainforests in the US. It is home of amazing plant life as seen above!

Near the Hoh Rainforest was the town of Forks, Washington. Home of the trailer we slept in and also home of Twilight apparently! Above is potentially the only scene that was actually filmed in the town according to Kaylee.

Pictured above is the trailer that we stayed in! It was on a very pretty pond (to our surprise) and had quite a bit of room! It was quite shaky though whenever anyone moved.

Our neighbor came to say hello and steal our food in the morning. 

Although murky on top, the water in the Hoh Rainforest was crystal clear. It was beautiful!

Above is the root system of a tree that fell over. You can see the other trees growing from it! The fallen tree is considered a "nurse log"

More tidal pools were found on the coastline up near Port Angeles, Washington. We stayed in an AirBnB there for one night.

This beach was almost just as stunning as Cannon Beach and didn't have near the crowd!

The view from the top of the hill to the arch is all that I was willing to venture to see. 

The view near Mt. Olympus was beautiful! The clouds were rolling in quickly though, so we had to take it in while we could.

This 3 mile hike was paved all the way to the top of the peak. We were able to drive the other 14 miles up!

The snowmelt was beautiful on the other side.

A marmot village is located above and a single marmot was hanging by the trail in the picture below.

A deer was trying to get back to his heard in the field next to us.

I really liked the model maps that the park provided!

Canada Eh?!

Some jets were seen from a park overlooking the bay in Port Angeles. They could be Canadian or American given the location is right on the border.

The casino we stayed in on the last night in the park had a great view of the nature behind it. You can see some deer grazing in the field!
