Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington

 Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington

July 8, 2022

Steps: 16,343

Our second day in Seattle was spent exploring Mt. Rainier National Park. Pictured above is reflection lake. Mt. Rainier decided to show up later in the day after being mostly cloudy when we first got there. The lake then got too choppy to reflect by the time we left.

Above is the view from the visitors center and where we were going to do our first hike. Unfortunately the snow levels were still to the point where this hike would have been difficult so we went lower on the mountain.

Another map!


This log helped us get across the channel so we could get around the lake.

The water her was pristine! We could see logs all the way in the middle of the pond. Had to be at least 20 ft deep as well!

This waterfall was located right next to the road. We were getting very wet while admiring it from this angle.

Above is a photo of the flowers outside of the place that we ate lunch at! The owner of the restaurant held the record for the fastest ascent of Mt. Everest at 10 hr and 56 min. His gear was inside the restaurant. Below is a link to an article about him:,14490    
