Mt. Hood, Oregon

 Mt. Hood, Oregon

July 3, 2022

Steps 23,050

Our second day in Portland was spent getting away from the city and out into the beautiful surrounding nature! We drove along a scenic route where we accomplished many different hikes and got some treats as well!

Multnomah Falls is one of the most iconic waterfalls in the PNW. We made sure to wake up early and drive there before they started requiring reservations. It was worth the early morning, and we had the hike to ourselves almost!

The view from the top was stunning, but it definitely took the wind out of us!

Pictured above was my first ever fish hatchery! We saw pools of rainbow trout and salmon at this location. Also pictured below is Herman the sturgeon. He was their largest sturgeon with a length of 10 ft.

The view on the drive along the Columbia River was beautiful within itself.

Wind surfers of all shapes and kinds came to the river to ride while we were there. A lot of them seemed to be living the van life as well!

Our scenic loop included a section they called "The Fruit Loop" This included multiple orchards, farms, and neat bakeries! 

Kaylee decided to pick blueberries! 

Mt. Hood and what we believe was Mt. Adams could be seen from the orchard.

Above is a map of The Gorge White House. There were many options to pick from!

Packer Orchards held an amazing bakery along with a great tasting table for jams, butter, and salsa. We did not leave this place empty handed. Kaylee and I split their famous strawberry milkshake!

Our final stop on "The Fruit Loop" was at a lavender farm! Not only did it smell great, but they had multiple tents with vendors selling art and other home remedy items.

Above is the trail around the lake that is pictured in the beginning of this post. It had many campgrounds around it along with tons of birds flying above. We saw eagles and hawks here catching fish.

Perched on Mt Hood was Timberline Lodge. This creepy looking lodge was used in the film "The Shining." 

Since the lodges dining was closed, we went to a local brewery and had an excellent dinner/beer here.

The trees towered on both sides of us throughout Mt Hood National Forest. 
