France - Le Havre / Étretat

 France, Le Havre / Étretat

June 8, 2022

Language: French

Steps: 27,200

We heard Le Havre did not have much going around near the port so we decided to spend the beginning of our day exploring the nearby village and cliffs of Étretat. 

Pictured above is a landmark in Le Havre. This church towers above the rest of the city. We did end up spending some time at the local mall. 

Most roundabouts in the countryside had figurines in the middle of farmers.

This monument is a new version of one that was destroyed by the Germans back in the time of the war. It sits on top of the cliffs near the church.

An old jet was taking laps around the cliffside. It appeared to be of the WWII era. 

There was a fun little trail going out over the skinny arch. It became a little sketchy with the high winds and narrow pathway, but definitely worth the view! 

You can see a golf course in the upper right of the picture above. I was tempted to play this, but will try and hit it some other time!

Étretat appeared to have a lot of German influence in the architecture. 

The fields around our drive provided a lot of pretty lavender flowers and reminded us a lot of Indiana!
