United Kingdom - Dover

 United Kingdom, Dover

June 10 and 19

Language: English

Steps: 16,246 (June 10)

Dover was our last stop on both cruises. The first time in port, we walked to see where the train station was and met up with Kaylee's parents. After the second cruise was over, we walked around Dover more before catching a train into London for the day.

The white cliffs were beautiful along the coast when it was sunny. If you look up on the hill to the left, you can see the Dover castle up there!

Above are the stairs leading up to the castle from the street.

This is a picture just outside the castle. We were able to get into the first wall, but not much farther before getting told to go pay for admissions. 

Locals were swimming in the bay despite it being very cold out that day.

Above is a picture of a memorial for those who served in WWI
