Spain - Bilbao

 Spain, Bilbao

June 5, 2022

Language: Spanish, Basque

Steps: 23,908

Pictured above is the Guggenheim Museum. This was one of the most popular attractions in the area. It surely served some amazing looks and unique sculptures/ architecture. Overall we thought very highly of Bilao. The city, water, and mountains all together made this a very likeable city that we would consider living in!

Near the port was a very nice beach along with a row of mansions facing the water. Each house had their own history block and we walked along them to get to our train to Bilbao.

This church was near the city center which is pictured below. We heard that after the museum became such a big attraction, they ended up improving the rest of the city. Bilbao even got an award from Singapore for their renovations.

The spider and the dog were two of the most recognized sculptures from the museums exterior.

We walked back through a local park on our way to the port. This offered stunning views and nice places to relax!
