Spain - Barcelona

Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona

May 26 - May 29, 2022

Language: Catalan / Spanish

Steps: 53,283 (3 days)

Pictured above is La Sagrada Familia. Having already toured this amazing building a few years ago, we opted to take a walk around the exterior. (Yes, it is still under construction)

Parc Güell was situated on a hillside overlooking the the entire city and the ocean. We spent hours walking around the entire park that was designed reflecting the signature work of Gaudi. 

We spent a lot of time on the streets of Barcelona and utilizing the public metros. Overall we had over 53,000 steps and 10 different transits using the local metro within our three days there.

Above is a local food market located in Las Ramblas Market area. This area is known for its shopping as well as pick-pocketing. 

Pictured above is one of the many cathedrals in Barcelona. Located in the Gothic Region of the city, The Cathedral of Barcelona was a beautiful one that seemed to pop out as we weaved through the city streets. 

One of the best parts about Spain, and Barcelona in particular, is the snacking food! With cheaper prices than most of Europe and delicious tasting treats, it was difficult to pass up the local bakeries (especially the churros and chocolate!)

We ended our last night in Barcelona at the Magic Fountains. This is one of our favorite things in the city. After the light/water show, we got gelato (ginger/pistachio) and headed back to get ready for our cruise the next day!
