Portugal - Lisbon

 Portugal - Lisbon

June 1, 2022

Language: Portuguese

Steps: 23,597

Pictured above is the view from Castelo de S. Jorge. Perched atop a hill in Lisbon, this castle hosted stunning views, ancient ruins, historical cannons, and free WiFi. Throughout all of our journeys in Europe on this cruise ship, you will see a common theme of us checking out the highest point of the city. They are usually easy to spot from the ship and always seem interesting. 

Lisbon's Golden Gate Bridge? Our boat did end up going under it even though the clearance was a little closer than expected!

We loved the different colors that the buildings in Portugal had. Red roofs were a common theme throughout the whole city, but the sidings consisted of tile and colorful paint. 

The National Pantheon is pictured above.

We loved the trees with the purple flowers that were sprinkled throughout the entire city!

Peacocks were found throughout the castle and other parks in the area. This guy decided to block the sidewalk.

More tiled buildings which we loved. The blue and white pattern seemed to be the most common.

This was a beautiful building and greenery just outside the Time-Out Market. Within the market were many vendors and food options!

Above is a major city square near the port. Arco da Rua Augusta is seen in the back.

Above is the Belém Tower was located along the channel where our cruise entered the Lisbon port. We were fortunate to see it given we didn't have enough time with our stop there to get to it.

Across the channel from Lisbon was this statue. Given Portugal's relationship with Brazil, you can see the resemblance with the two different statues in each location.

