Norway - Stavanger

 Norway, Stavanger

June 12, 2022

Language: Norwegian

Steps: 14,470

Stavanger was the first stop on our 9 day cruise through Norway. Kaylee and I met up with her parents, my friend Trent, and his buddy Tyler. We were expecting rain at every stop, but were delighted to find that even though a lot of Norway was cloudy, we very seldom got washed out. 

This cat came to greet us. We loved the neighborhood with all of the flowers similar, yet different houses.

Near the port was this industrial park where everything appeared to have been made from recycled items. This included old oil drills, buoys, and many others!

We were surprised to see jellyfish all over this port!

Sudoku became a daily activity, so just one a day was not enough! We also purchased this local candy bar which basically tasted like a Kit-Kat with better chocolate.

You will find this architectural style throughout most of our stops in Norway.

Apparently Stavanger's sister city is Houston. The more you know!
