Norway - Olden

 Norway, Olden

June 16, 2022

Language: Norwegian

Steps: 26,818

For our Olden port stop, Kaylee and I decided to book last second tickets on an excursion to two different glacier locations near the village. This brought us to two different hikes, and offered some of the most spectacular views along the journey!

Pictured above was our first stop on the excursion. This was a privately owned farm and resort that we had access to a hike at. This hike led us to the base of the Jostedal Glacier.

Sheep grazed along the top of the hill overlooking the glacier in the distance. 

Pictured above is the fist sight we had of the glacier on our first hike!

We seemed to find one black sheep among multiple white sheep whenever we encountered a local heard.

National Park signs were located along the trail to distinguish the private/public land from the park.

The first hike led us to a river looking up to the glacier above.

This is inside the cabin near where the sheep were located.

This pony and horse had quite the waterfall!

Pictures don't do this view any justice, but above was one of the most surreal views I have ever had. This was located on our second hike up to the Briksdal glacier.

Above is the Briksdal glacier that was located at the end of our second hike. The water and glacier had an intense blue appearance.

We witnessed a rock slide down the slope of the mountain pictured above. It sounded like firecrackers going off as the rocks plunges into the cliff edge on their way down into the water.

We had a very nice man be our "personal photographer" on the way back down the hike.

The locals celebrated as we entered and left their village. The cafe near the port blasted music and the locals danced, waved flags, and waved goodbye as we departed. 
