Norway - Bergen

 Norway, Bergen

June 17, 2022

Language: Norwegian

Steps: 10,364

Bergen was our last stop in Norway on our 9 day cruise. Pictured above is one of the most iconic rows of buildings in the area. This location hosted many small businesses and crafty locations.

This Christmas store had quite the crooked staircase leading up to it!

A little pop up market was located within the tents shown above. Inside the tents we were able to try little jerky slivers of moose, reindeer, and whale.

Pictured above is where we got our reindeer hotdogs from. Below is what the product looked like. 

A music festival was happening the day we were there. It had to be miserable with the rain, but we could hear the music from Norwegian artists from our ship!

Another large bridge we went under is pictured above! 

We stocked up on local beers for our cruise days!
