France - La Rochelle

 France, La Rochelle

June 6, 2022

Language: French

Steps: 19,100

La Rochelle was our first stop in France on the 12 day cruise. We got a shuttle into the city from Carnival and it ended up being a nightmare on the way back. With a mix of rain, costly bathrooms, and angry people, this stop was definitely one that didn't stand out in a good way. That being said, it was still full of neat architecture and had a Lidl within "walking distance."

Marché du Centre Ville was definitely one of our favorite stops in La Rochelle. It brought a vibrance about the area that the rest of the city didn't really have due to the Whit Monday holiday. 

The trek to Lidl was sprinkled with many different old landmarks. Of course we chose to get dressed up real nice the day that it actually rained!

La Rochelle is known as a beach vacation place for a lot of French. Although we didn't experience this side of it, we saw the beaches stretch along a lot of the coast. 
