Belgium - Bruges

 Belgium, Bruges

June 9, 2022

Language: Dutch / Flemish

Steps: 18,487

This was both of our first times in Belgium! It was a fast-paced day, but this was also one of our favorite cities! 

This was the walk we took from the train to the city. We were passed by multiple horse and carriages!

Michelangelo's only artwork that can be found outside of Italy, is found within the Madonna of Bruges, which is pictured above. 

Bruges is nicknamed "The Venice of the North" thanks to its many canals throughout!

Wall of Beers was a neat bar and beer museum located in the heart of the city!

We made sure to get plenty of chocolate, waffles and beer here. Above is where we got our chocolate from.

The city center is pictured above. This huge square had so many attractions, it was hard to choose the best place to go!

The walk back to the train was even prettier than the one we took to the city. We chose to stay within the nearby park and it was worth the extra couple of steps!
